I've gotta preface this with a lil' something.
It's just that, well...I'm about to show you photographs that don't really paint our home in the ol'
Better Homes and Gardens kind of light, you know?
Friends, please keep coming over, okay? I promise we're working on a solution to make the stink bug horror show stop.
That...or we're moving.
Our home is warm and lovely. Just don't look at anything too closely, 'kay?
Our Internet find- an attempt to make homemade, soda bottle and light traps. Results-poor. We'll modify and get back to you. |
We live with stink bugs.
Our home is their mothership.
Or their toilet.
Poo trail in my family room. Oh, the allure. |
When I posted,
Our House- The All-Inclusive Stink Bug Resort (catch up
here), I revealed the inside story of living with the little spawn who make me
scream think foul things.
This post is an additional outcry, a battle cry against their POO! Poo be gone, I say!
Dear stink bugs,
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!"
You'd think enclosed lighting would be ideal with stink bug invasions, but alas. They find ways in there to DIE. Ugh. Lighting is a challenge when living with spawn. |
They're unintelligent little buggers, but I'm telling you, people—they LITERALLY play music in our home. Stink bugs regularly slam into the guitars and banjos we have hanging on our walls and hit the strings. Ridiculous.
Pooping on the blinds- less annoying to clean than curtains, but really. |
And then they crap some more.
I have to wash curtains and bedding constantly, because stink bugs crap all over everything. We're thinking our next window treatments will be wooden shutters- easier to clean the poop. Again- ridiculous. |
And more...
That's a dripping dump, sliding on down our lamp. The charm and allure are riveting. |
You guys know I'm a mom of two lil' peanuts and a massive beast dog, too. So you know, I have enough (actual) sh@# to deal with in my everyday life.
Looks like we really have to give lighting fixtures serious consideration now. Spawn love to die in the light. |
But living here means I have to clean up after the countless spawn who have chosen to shack up with us and use our home as their...dumping ground. Ugh.
I have to wipe down plants regularly- because you know...the crap and all. |
I promise that our home isn't as gross as it appears in these photos.
You know...it's not like on the show
Hoarders, where you'll find a dead cat among the filth.
Just dead stink bugs.
Poop on one of the couches. I have to treat stains constantly. So foul. |
It's a nice place, and clean.
Except for the stink bugs.
And their poop.
Note the feces dripping down this picture frame. My apologies to my sweet sister, whose photo casing got dumped on. |
So this is where we're at these days.
It ain't easy livin' with spawn, but again—we get through it by being thankful they aren't ticks, rats or scorpions.
And once we figure out how to get rid of these foul little twerps, we'll be rich rich rich. Stay tuned...
Please feel free to drop me sympathies anytime. I'll take a break to read your thoughtful words between cleaning up the poo. That will be nice.
Sending you lots of love for a stinkLESS, crap-free weekend.
From My Hearth to Yours
And P.S.- see also
Stink Bugs: They're Baaaaaack for more info.